Saturday 27 December 2014


Friendship is a very beautiful bond ,it makes our life complete . Life without a friend is really unimaginable . We all have friends and we know how important they are ,I specially do because my life will tremble without them. Indeed it’s a very common and obsolete topic to write upon but I wanted to write on it but with some difference.
There are some people in our life whom we don’t  tag with so called friendship label .They are just known one’s .We hardly notice them when they are near to us but in one way or another miss there presence once they are gone because they leave their imprints on our hearts for ever and ever.
Me and my roommate never had this friendship bond . She used to say me that we are known persons but hey! I want to say that I miss you whenever i eat panipuri or rolls . I do remember you for one reason or other . I never felt your presence when you were actually there with me but now certain things makes me to think about you.
I guess I’m not the only one . Cherish your moment with everyone close to you , Everyone has its importance and at one point of life they will prove their worth.

 लम्हों की ये दुनिया है ,
लम्हों की ये जिंदगानी। 
जो लम्हे जीए  दोनों ने,
उन लम्हों की अलग कहानी। 

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