Thursday 22 September 2011

Achievement that counts

In this age of 21st century the aim ,desire ,wish ,aspiration  everything is changing and so do our thoughts as we all are thinking differently towards various issues .The whole definition of the achievement had changed in the present scenario and we have limited it to the success .Success is just the part of achievement and when something is achieved, it is for lifelong and unlike success there is no fear of loosing it .Many think that by getting better job they have made their life large but the question is do they inspire others?
How many of us can say that we really had achieved something ?Is Achievement all about getting good job and high scale pay .We all study hard to get admission in top reputated college ,then to get satisfactory job with desired pay scale and when all that got then satisfied with life ,well this is the story of success and not achievement because achievement itself is a very heavy word with various dimensions .A firm determination ,superior quality ,great courage and above all a pure heart is needed to achieve anything.
Albert Einstein had said rightly -"when you do nothing,you feel overwhelmed and powerless .But when you get involved ,you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better ".Everybody have the potential to achieve ,just be true to yourself and don't ever  try to evaluate yourself with others because every person had different potential. The time is not to just find a better place in society but is it is the time to achieve something in our life and also to inspire others.........THAT SOME ACHIEVE GREAT SUCCESS,IS PROOF TO ALL THAT OTHERS CAN ACHIEVE IT AS WELL

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